Mix Hard-/Software
High precision private Indoor Positioning for Wayfinding and Location based Services
Pinpoint GmbH.
Pinpoint GmbH is a high-tech company based in Chemnitz, Germany, founded in 2021. It develops indoor positioning systems based on ultra-wideband (UWB) technology. Comparable to global navigation satellite systems, such as GPS or Galileo in the outdoor environment, Pinpoint enables decimeter-precise indoor positioning for the first time via a user’s mobile device. Pinpoint’s technology represents a basic technology for new use cases in the context of indoor navigation or location-based services. In particular, the technology is ideally suited for complex infrastructures such as train stations and airports with a high volume of people or for security zones and critical infrastructure. The company is a spin-off from the Chair of Circuit and System Design at TU Chemnitz.
TGFS has been a shareholder in the company since April 2023.
Early stage
Fabian Schaile
Birthe Roß
Company news
New investment: Pinpoint GmbH
TGFS invests a seven-figure sum in Pinpoint GmbH. The Chemnitz-based high-tech start-up develops highly accurate tracking systems for people indoors based on ultra-wideband technology (UWB).