Realize creative ideas
with us.
Turn capital and know-how
into success.
About us
TGFS is an equity investor for knowledge-based, technology-oriented start-ups in the federal state of Saxony. It is the leading start-up investor in Saxony and provides teams in the seed and start-up phases with venture capital and management support. Moreover, an investment by TGFS opens up access to further international investors from the fund’s network.
The fund was first launched in 2008 by the Free State of Saxony (including ERDF funds) and Saxon financial institutions and has since supported more than 100 start-ups in its third generation of funds.
Invests in Saxony
since 2008
third fund generation
€241.2m total volume
Investment stages
TGFS is a venture capital fund active in Saxony. We support founders and start-ups in the technology sector with equity and years of experience. We also invest in early stages, if we are convinced of the idea and the team.
Seed phase
TGFS invests in start-ups and early-stage companies in Saxony and accompanies them in realising their vision.
years operating in Saxony
operating in Saxony
years of investment experience
realised transactions
€ million investment volume
New investment: MAIA transforms information search in companies
Printed sensor foils: TGFS participates in Flexora
TGFS invests in Zenesis
Since 2008, over 100 companies have been supported by the TGFS.