Portfolio news:

FlyNex receives Leipzig business award „Via Oeconomica“


02 November 2021

The Via Oeconomica — organized by the Leipzig Economics Association „GfL Gemeinsam Für Leipzig“ took place in the Kupfersaal Leipzig Andreas Dunsch and and Petrosjan received the award in the category „Leipzig is coming! Congratulations to the entire FlyNex-Team!

We are especially pleased that alongside FlyNex, another portfolio company of the WMS Wachstumsfonds Mittelstand Sachsen — the counterpart of TGFS for medium-sized companies in Saxony — was honored: Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG is the winner in the category „Leipzig is growing!“ Congratulations to Dr. Holger FödischThomas LambertzFanlei Chen and the entire team.

From TGFS/WMS were present on-site: Gisbert Enkel | Stefan Leermann | Claudia Huke | Andreas Müller

We also congratulate GfL – Gemeinsam für Leipzig on its 20th anniversary, which was also celebrated last night. GfL is a business association that promotes small and medium-sized businesses, sports, culture and social initiatives in the Leipzig region.

Your contact person
Sören Schuster | Managing Director TGFS
+49 341 256963 30
