AI for digital pathology and spatial biology
Katana Labs GmbH
Katana Labs is revolutionizing image-based analysis of tumor tissues using artificial intelligence. Its cloud-based platform PAIKON enables pathologists to visualize and analyse upto a million cells in giga-pixel histopathology images with ease. PAIKON assists in the assessment of multiple cancer entities across various image modalities, enabling the next step in precision medicine.
Katana Labs provides products and services for clinical diagnostics and R&D in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. Building on expertise in digital pathology, image analysis and AI, the company provides the best algorithms for routine diagnostic tests and facilitates analysis in Spatial Omics for the development of new biomarkers.
TGFS has been involved with the company since 2023.
Early stage
Christian John
Tobias Voigt
Company news
Neu im Portfolio: Katana Labs GmbH
Dem Krebs auf der Spur – die Software von Katana Labs erkennt Krebszellen mit Künstlicher Intelligenz. Damit die Analyse-Software weiterentwickelt, zertifiziert und in Laboren weltweit Anwendung finden kann, investierte der TGFS in der Pre-Seed-Phase in das Unternehmen aus Dresden.