we-do.ai GmbH


Automation in the catering industry via voice chatbot

we-do.ai GmbH

we-do.ai GmbH is an AI start-up from Leipzig founded in 2018. With the intelligent voice chatbot foodcall, we-do.ai specializes in taking orders, reservations and other various requests by phone in the restaurant industry. The restaurant operators benefit from the automated processes, the relief of the employees in the kitchen and the time savings. At the same time, the integration of foodcall into the POS system and the offer of a webshop creates a holistic solution. This means that incorrect orders can be avoided, for example.

TGFS acquired a stake in the company in 2018. The exit took place in 2023 as part of a sale to Immoware24 GmbH.

we-do.ai GmbH


Early stage


Company news

TGFS veräußert Anteile an we-do.ai

TGFS veräußert Anteile an we-do.ai

TGFS gibt die Übernahme von we-do.ai durch Immoware24 bekannt und verweist damit auf die Neuausrichtung des Unternehmens von der Gastronomie auf den Immobiliensektor. Unter dem Dach der Immoware24 sollen neue Produkte für Mieter und Hausverwaltung entstehen.

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Case Stuy über we-do.ai im VC Magazin

Case Stuy on we-do.ai in VC Magazine

VC Magazin reports on our TGFS portfolio company we-do.ai. The start-up enables automation in the restaurant industry with the help of the intelligent voice chatbot foodcall. 

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Folgeinvestment: we-do.ai GmbH

Follow-up investment: we-do.ai GmbH

Automation in the catering industry with the help of the intelligent voice chatbot foodcall: TGFS is once again investing in the further growth of we-do.ai GmbH.

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